Legs, back, neck and joints pain is painful and terrible condition that usually is a byproduct of unhealthy lifestyle, stress and poor posture. Sometimes you are ignoring the pain you feel, because you’re busy doing your work.
Usually you have to lie down after you come home just because the pain returns and you can’t walk or sit any longer. This pain is usual for those one who sit in front of a computer for several hours such as office employees and their pain is really serious, especially the neck and back pain. If you suffer from these kinds of pain, here is a recipe that will help you:
-150gr edible gelatin and cold water
These ingredients will be enough for a month.
Put 5gr of edible gelatin in quarter cup of cold water, stir it for a while and leave the mixture till the morning. Don’t put the mixture in a refrigerator because the gelatin will turn into jelly.
Take the mixture every morning for a month, on an empty stomach. You will see the results and benefits from it after the 1st week. You can repeat the process if you want, but that should be after six months. If it tastes bad, you can add yogurt, juice or honey.
Like many other people you probably ask yourself why this mixture is so effective. That is because people have forgotten or even don’t know that gelatin is gained from a processing a livestock’s connective tissue that includes bones, collagen, cartilage and tendons. Gelatin is composed of proline and hidrosiprolin (amino acids) which can help in the connective tissue recovery.
Gelatin is good not just for your joints but it can also improve your immune system, mental ability and your metabolism. If you consume gelatin in a regular way, it can make your ligaments and tendons stronger and elastic and can strengthen your heart. Gelatin also helps in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis prevention.
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